Phygital Live Experiences in China

Mychina.Life is a special Nexth iTV Channel dedicated to sharing the experiences of living and working in China

Our phygital iTV channel highlights business stories, offers valuable suggestions, and showcases the opportunities available in China.

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Business & Company Experiences

Success stories and case studies from managers, entrepreneurs and professionals in China provide valuable insights and opportunities. They offer practical advice on doing business in China, covering regulatory guidance and market trends. 

Additionally, they highlight networking opportunities with other business professionals and industry leaders, helping expats build connections and grow their ventures.

NEXPO Chat Biztainment XRooms: engage in interactive chat rooms where you can interact with companies leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and fellow attendees in real-time. 

These Nexth XRooms serve as hubs for networking, discussions, and live Q&A sessions, adding an interactive and social dimension to the MyChina experience.

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Events & Opportunities

MyChina.Life offers opportunities to connect with industry leaders and explore new business ventures

The channel features a calendar of social, cultural, and professional events tailored to the expat community and beyond, including business networking events, cultural festivals, business events, and expo-fairs in China.

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Interactive Exchanges

MyChina.Life with Nexpo provides a space to exchange experiences and seek advice on topics like business, travel tips, cultural insights, and practical living advice in China. 

It offers guides on Chinese customs, traditions, and etiquette, as well as workshops and seminars on cultural adaptation.

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Join My China Lifestyle your phygital iTV.

Success stories and case studies from managers, entrepreneurs and professionals in China provide valuable insights and opportunities